Our Firm

Our mission statement:  We help families and small business owners build and protect their wealth.

Why do we do what we do?

We believe that while it's important to help increase one's wealth, it's also important to help protect that wealth and that many times, the proper balance isn't sought, or presented.

We believe that most individuals don't understand investments and/or insurance and we seek to help you understand exactly what you currently have and/or what you may be considering.

We also believe that most individuals don't know whom to trust.  Being a Chartered Financial Analyst®  and Certified Financial Planner®,  I am unbiased and objective in my recommendations as I represent dozens of insurance companies and solutions.

How we can work together?

* No-cost policy reviews - If you currently have an insurance (life, annuity, long-term care or disability) policy, I provide a no-cost evaluation of the contract, any applicable riders, premiums paid, guarantees versus illustrative assumptions, underwriting class issued, etc.  Based on your current needs, we determine if the current contract meets your needs and if it is priced appropriately given your underwriting risk class.  The analysis seeks to determine whether 1) we can increase the coverage for the same premium, or 2) keep the same coverage for a lower premium, or 3) enhance the current coverage by adding living benefit type riders (such as chronic illness, long-term care, critical illness, etc.) on the policy for little or no additional premium.

* Specific Needs Analysis - Looking for guaranteed income you can't outlive?  A multiyear guaranteed annuity providing guaranteed rates plus tax-deferral?  A contract providing leverage for long-term care, if ever needed?  Life insurance to protect a family or business? Whatever your financial need, we can help you select the ideal solution.

Pinkans & Associates represents multiple companies.  We do not believe that one company can provide the appropriate solution for every need.  Therefore, we are unbiased and objective in our recommendations.  We have partnered with a broker-dealer, The Leaders Group (TLG), which is also independent.  TLG has no proprietary products on their platform meaning that they don't have a bias to favor 'home team' products.  That distinction is important to us and should be to you.  Pinkans & Associates is completely independent of The Leaders Group.