Our Services

Pinkans & Associates applies prudence in advising families and businesses on how to help grow and protect their wealth and serves its clients in all areas of financial management, including:


  • Retirement Planning

    Making the most of your employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs. Determining how much you need to retire comfortably. Helping managing assets during the accumulation (pre-retirement) period and responsibly decumulating or spending those assets during retirement.
  • Estate Planning Strategies

    Helping with strategies to preserve your estate for your intended heirs. Potententially reducing exposure to estate taxes and probate costs. Coordinating with your tax and legal advisors. 
  • Long-Term Care (LTC) Strategies

    As the Baby Boomer generation ages, protecting assets against a possible LTC need become important.  We are well versed on the various solutions available and are happy to go over the pros and cons of each.
  • Insurance Planning

    Reviewing existing insurance policies. Recommending policy changes when appropriate. Finding the best policy for your specific needs.

  • Education funding

    Recommending investment and accumulation strategies to help you pay for your children's education.

  • Investment Planning

    Determining your asset allocation needs. Helping you understand your risk tolerance. Recommending appropriate investment vehicles to help you reach your goals.

  • Employee and executive benefits

    Helping your business attract and retain qualified employees through benefit packages.

We also offer specialized services including:

  • A no-cost life insurance policy review analysis -- We provide an unbiased and objective analysis to help you understand if you have the right life insurance policy, with the right coverage, at the right price, with a stable and secure insurer.
  • Required minimum distribution (RMD) analysis --  If you have IRA's where the RMD's aren't needed for general living expenses, we may be able to show you a program to use the RMDs to either offset or eliminate estate and/or income taxes or to enhance wealth transfer to your beneficiaries.
  • A linked benefit analysis - Today many individuals are concerned about long-term care (LTC) insurance but are hesitant to purchase traditional coverage for fear of paying premiums for a benefit they may never receive or perhaps they believe that they have enough assets to self-insure the potential cost.  This analysis seeks to provide LTC coverage on a guaranteed basis with the flexibility of also providing death benefit protection and/or cash value if the contract is ever surrendered.